When I need to mix 5mg of semaglutide, I follow these steps:
- First, I gather my supplies: the 5mg semaglutide vial, bacteriostatic water or sterile water for injection, alcohol swabs, and a 3mL syringe¹.
- I allow the semaglutide vial to reach room temperature (about 10 minutes). Then, I clean the tops of both the semaglutide and water vials with alcohol swabs².
- Using the 3mL syringe, I draw up 5mL of bacteriostatic water or sterile water for injection. This is the common ratio I use for 5mg of semaglutide, but I always follow my healthcare provider’s specific instructions.
- I slowly inject the 5mL of water into the semaglutide vial, aiming the stream against the glass wall to avoid excessive foaming³.
- I gently swirl the vial to dissolve the powder completely. I’m careful not to shake it vigorously as this may degrade the medication.
- Once mixed, I refrigerate the solution until I’m ready to use it⁴.
Semaglutide Preparation Flowchart
1. Gather supplies: 5mg semaglutide vial, bacteriostatic water or sterile water for injection, alcohol swabs, 3mL syringe.
2. Allow semaglutide vial to reach room temperature (about 10 minutes). Clean tops of both vials with alcohol swabs.
3. Draw up 5mL of water using the 3mL syringe. Follow healthcare provider’s instructions for ratio.
4. Inject 5mL of water into the semaglutide vial slowly, aiming the stream against the glass wall to avoid foaming.
5. Gently swirl the vial to dissolve the powder completely. Avoid shaking vigorously.
6. Refrigerate the solution until ready to use.
Follow all healthcare provider instructions carefully.
When I’m ready to use the medication:
- I allow the mixed solution to reach room temperature before use (about 10 minutes).
- I clean the top of the vial with an alcohol swab before each use.
- I draw up my prescribed dose using a new sterile syringe.
- I inject subcutaneously as directed by my healthcare provider⁵.
I always remember to follow the specific instructions provided by my healthcare provider or the medication package, as dosing and mixing instructions may vary. If I have any doubts or questions, I consult with my healthcare provider before proceeding.